College of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences

Chair Compensation
With a delegated authority, the Dean of the College appoints the department chair following consultation with the unit faculty and review by the Committee on Academic Personnel. Typical chair terms vary between three and five years. Effective July 1, 2022, chair compensation in CHASS is set to a standardized schedule, based on the operational complexity of the academic unit and a multiyear commitment to achieve parity in chair compensation across UCR. The terms and compensation for acting and interim appointments may differ.
July 1, 2023 addendum: With the surge in new admits and transfers for AY23-24, especially in our largest majors, several enhancements to chair compensation take effect:
- From the original Tier A, the creation of a new Tier “0” with an accelerated, performance-based compensation schedule.
- A fixed allocation increase to chairs of all degree-granting undergraduate programs, to be used at the discretion of the chair, to support a faculty member (e.g., vice chair, undergraduate program director) charged with working closely with the Assistant Dean of Student Success on local student success initiatives (i.e., admissions, workload, retention, and graduation). Renewal of this annual allocation is subject to budgetary conditions and performance.
- Direct research support for chairs increases by approximately 20% across the board.
Tiers | Course Releases | Research Support | Student Success | 22-23 FY Stipend | 23-24 FY Stipend | 24-25 FY Stipend | 25-26 FY Stipend |
Tier 0 | 2 | $14,000 | $25,000 | -- | $38,000 | $47,500 | $59,400 |
Tier A | 2 | $12,000 | $10,000 | $19,000 | $23,750 | $29,700 | $38,000 |
Tier B | 2 | $10,000 | $10,000 | $16,000 | $20,000 | $25,000 | $32,000 |
Tier C | 2 | $8,000 | $10,000 | $13,000 | $16,250 | $20,400 | $26,000 |