College of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences

CHASS Executive Committee

CHASS Executive Committee

Be a Leader — Join the CHASS Executive Committee


How to Join

Faculty must be elected. To be considered, you must receive at least five nominations from eligible senate members. 

Who Can Join

The committee is made up of nine faculty members, two CHASS undergraduate students, two CHASS graduate students, the dean, and the associate deans of CHASS.

  • Drive the development of curriculum and policy 
  • Review and approve new courses
  • Help select CHASS faculty award recipients
  • Advise on UC, UCR, and CHASS initiatives and regulations
  • Be an essential part of shared governance on campus
Time Commitment

For faculty, the term of office is two years, commencing September 1st after a regular election or immediately upon the ballot count of a special election. For CHASS students, the term of office is one year.

Current CHASS Executive Committee Members


  • Dean of College (ex officio): Daryle Williams
  • Associate Dean of Student Academic Affairs (ex officio): Covadonga Lamar Prieto
  • Associate Dean of Arts & Humanities (Guest): Kiril Tomoff
  • Associate Dean of Social Sciences (Guest): Gloria González-Rivera
Chair of the Faculty

Wesley Leonard
Ethnic Studies
Term: 2023-2025

Three members from:
  • Art History
  • English
  • History
  • Comparative Literature
  • Foreign Languages
  • Philosophy
  • Religious Studies
  • Hispanic Studies
  • Gender and Sexuality Studies


Philipp Lehmann
Term: 2022-2024 


Vorris Nunley
Term: 2022-2024


Victoria Reyes
Gender & Sexuality Studies
Term: 2023-2025
Three members from:
  • Anthropology
  • Economics
  • Ethnic Studies
  • Political Science
  • Psychology
  • Sociology


Jimmy Calanchini
Term: 2023-2025


Kim Yi Dionne
Political Science
Term: 2022-2024


Keith K. Miyake
Ethnic Studies
Term: 2023-2025
One member from:
  • Art 
  • Creative Writing
  • Dance
  • Music
  • Media and Cultural Studies
  • Theatre, Film, and Digital Production 


Donatella Galella
Theatre, Film & Digital Production
Term: 2023-2025
Two members from:
  • Interdisciplinary Programs
  • Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Law and Society
  • Neuroscience 


Christina Schwenkel
Southeast Asian Studies
Term: 2022-2024


Chikako Takeshita
Global Studies
Term: 2022-2024

Committee Bylaws

The chair of the faculty is elected for a two-year term and is not eligible to succeed self.

The Executive Committee consists of the chair of the faculty, ex officio; dean of the college ex officio; and nine members of the faculty. The term of office is two years, commencing September 1st following election at a regular election or immediately upon completion of the ballot count at a special election.

The chair of the faculty and four members are elected in the same year; the five other members are elected in alternate years. Members may not immediately succeed themselves.

Whenever the Executive Committee determines that a vacancy exists in its membership, the secretary-parliamentarian conducts an election in accordance with the prescribed procedure, provided the vacancy is expected to last more than six months. A vacancy shall be declared to exist and the member is considered to have resigned if he/she anticipates an absence from the committee of more than six months. Vacancies of six months or less are filled temporarily by appointment by the chair of the faculty with the advice and consent of the executive committee.

The secretary-parliamentarian is chosen by the executive committee from among its members. The term of office is one year.