College of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences

Remote Work Guidance
CHASS Remote Work Guidance
- UCR Central HR: Remote Work Guidance and Resources
Hybrid Work/Flex Work Week Approval Documents:
All updated telework agreements are due to CHASS HR for all staff, no later than Friday, September 6, 2024. They will be reviewed for approval by the Dean’s office and returned to the department FAOs/Managers by September 20, 2024. These new telework agreements are expected to run from September 23, 2024, to one to three years. The appropriate forms for these new work schedule agreements can be found on the UCR’s central Human Resources website.
As a reminder, Compassionate Care Accommodations have concluded per campus direction.
If a staff member is working a hybrid schedule and selects a flexible work schedule, both forms will need to be filled out and returned to CHASS HR. For more information regarding campus remote work resources please visit: Remote-Hybrid Work | Human Resources (
The following forms are available:
- Alternative (Flexible) Work Schedule Agreement- Exempt Employees
- Alternative (Flexible) Work Schedule Agreement- Non-Exempt Employees: Both forms are to be used for flexible work schedules, including 9/80 or 4/10 work weeks.
- Remote Work-Telecommuting Agreement: To be used to document hybrid work schedules and alternative work locations.
Please note: If you need to request an accommodation for your own medical condition, please reach out to CHASS HR at who will coordinate with campus HR and Disability Management.
CHASS Hybrid Schedules Guiding Principles:
Flexible work arrangements allow for alternative approaches to getting work done through non-traditional work schedules, locations, and modalities. This flexibility can help our CHASS staff and faculty find greater balance between their professional and personal commitments, such as childcare and other caregiving responsibilities, in a way that also promotes a more positive, productive, and fulfilling work environment.
The function of the job relative to the mission of a residential research university is the primary driver of our community and our decision-making on the future of work. Teaching and research activities are predominantly conducted in person, and it is essential that in-person collaboration and community building continue.
All work arrangements in CHASS should support and advance our college mission to expand educational opportunities in the arts, humanities, and social sciences in Inland Southern California.
Each and every CHASS faculty, staff, and student should have regular and predictable access to in-person services, as needed.
CHASS has certain unique, core academic activities that require unique work arrangements.
Work arrangements will be considered in accordance with the greater needs of each department.
We recognize that unexpected external factors, such as health emergencies, etc., may impact the guidelines below. If the situations occur, we will provide updated guidelines in conjunction with UC, Campus, and Riverside County.
In-Person Coverage Expectations:
- All full-time CHASS permanent employees should be on campus a minimum of two days each five-day work week, on a fixed schedule. The supervisor may fix a greater frequency and/or flexibility, relative to staffing and needs.
- At this time, CHASS will not offer 100% remote arrangements for career employees.
- Each CHASS office is required to provide on-campus, in-person hours at a physical location on campus four weekdays per week. Staff may stagger their in-person days to accommodate this requirement.
- “Gray" Fridays (where an entire office is working remotely) are permitted, provided that in-person core services, especially those that have an urgent/emergency dimension, are available whenever the University is open for business.
- All employees should be available during their assigned work hours and telework agreements (in-person, remote, and/or hybrid), subject to normal discretion, breaks and scheduled and unscheduled leaves.
- The basic workweek — in-person, remote, and/or hybrid — should follow University business hours, unless otherwise posted. Some job responsibilities may require in-person work outside of University business hours including performances and support, and some research activities.
- All offices should have easily accessible posted core hours for in-person functions and services.
- Remote work by the employee should not negatively affect the workload or productivity of coworkers either by shifting burdens or creating delays and additional steps in the workflow.
- All teams should be physically present and together for team meetings, at least three times a quarter. The Supervisor shall decide if that frequency should be greater. An all-college function may count as one of the team meetings.
- Subject to collective bargaining, 4/10 or 9/80 workweeks, and other types of shortened work-week arrangements are permissible.
- Jobs that require physical presence or constant interaction with clients, coworkers, and students to perform effectively are normally not suitable for remote work such as production management, facilities, lab research, and events support.
- Employees and supervisors should have clear, regular, and documented conversations about the work arrangement(s) relative to performance assessment and professional development. These conversations should take place at least once per quarter.
- All remote work should be at a fixed location, determined in a telework agreement, and reliably suitable for conducting University business.
- The employee shall be available to travel when their work requires, including to the primary worksite, when necessary, regardless of the remote work schedule.
- Relative to the job function, long-term hybrid and remote work may require relinquishing individually assigned on-campus workspace.
- An individual’s use of a flexible work arrangement should not be a factor in the review or assessment of their performance (other than to the extent the arrangement impacts performance), nor should it impact opportunities for professional development and career advancement.
Exceptions to core hour availability:
- Certain CHASS activities that take place outside of core University business days/hours and/or away from University property, may still be considered core functions for individual employees and teams. The normal work schedule/week and location should be adjusted accordingly, typically without additional compensation (travel and accommodations excepted).
- Certain CHASS activities may call for volunteer assistance outside of core functions for individual employees and teams. Comp time may be offered where appropriate and within policy.