College of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences

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Scholarships and Fellowships

Scholarships for Undergraduate Students

  • CHASS Dean’s Scholarship and Glen E. Josephson Endowed Student Award

    The CHASS Dean's Scholarship and Glen E. Josephson Endowed Student Award are intended to reward students who have excelled in their studies. Individual award amounts may vary, but may not exceed $1,500.

    To be eligible, you must:
    • Have sophomore or junior standing at the time of application.
    • Have a UCR grade point average of 3.50, or
      • if an applicant’s GPA is less than 3.5, he/she/they must secure one letter of recommendation from a faculty member.
    • Be in a CHASS major program (including undeclared).
    To apply, send the following to
    • A self-narrative or essay of 500-750 words that integrates your personal background with your UCR experiences in response to the prompt: Writing the Self: Tell the story you are living at UCR.
    • A cover sheet that includes: name, SID, GPA, major, and anticipated date of graduation.
    • Letter of recommendation (if applicable). Faculty member to send a letter via email directly to Associate Dean Covadonga “Cova” Lamar Prieto at

    For disbursement during the 2024-2025 academic year: April 28th, 2024.

    Note: Award decisions are announced during the Spring quarter for disbursement in the following academic year.

  • CHASS “At Home in the World” Endowed Student Award

    "At Home in the World" awards are made annually to support international travel and related expenses for undergraduate CHASS majors for academic study relevant to their major and/or a service-learning opportunity.

    Individual award amounts will be determined based on the length and complexity of the planned international experience. This is a highly competitive award; up to two awards will be made annually.

    To be eligible, you must:
    • Be a declared major in good standing in a CHASS academic unit.
    • Have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.50, or
      • if you do not meet this requirement, you must secure a letter of endorsement from a faculty member in your major, explaining the benefit of the international experience to the student’s major
    • Have demonstrated financial need as determined by the Financial Aid Office.
    • Be enrolled in a program that will conclude by June 30 of your senior year.
    Please apply for this award on Scholarship Universe:
    • An essay of 600-900 words describing the international experience you are pursuing and how it will inform your current area of study and future academic goals.
    • A completed application.
    • A cover sheet that includes: name, SID, GPA, major, and anticipated date of graduation.
    • Letter of endorsement (if applicable). Send the letter via email directly to Assistant Dean Ryan Lipinski at

    For travel in Winter 2025 and Spring 2025

    Priority Review: TBD

    For travel in Summer 2025 and Fall 2025

    Priority Review: April 15th, 2025

    If you receive the award before you travel, you must demonstrate that you are:
    • Registered for academic credit via study abroad or independent study for a project related to an international experience.
    • If applicable, work with a faculty member on a plan for a research project, service-learning opportunity, or other international experience being funded through this award.
  • CHASS Student Assistance and Opportunity Fund

    This fund provides support to undergraduate students who have demonstrated academic excellence in studies within the humanities, arts, and social sciences with a specific focus on those students who have shown that, due to a lack of funds, they are unable to pursue an educational opportunity or are experiencing a financial obstacle that may interrupt their studies.

    Students may be nominated by faculty, staff, and academic advisors within CHASS.

    Individual award amounts will be determined based on the length and complexity of the financial need and availability of funds, but may not exceed $2,000.

    To be eligible, you must:
    • Be an undergraduate student in a declared major in good standing in a CHASS academic unit.
    • Have completed at least three consecutive quarters of studies with a minimum grade point average of 3.30 or higher over any three consecutive quarters.
    To apply, send the following to
    • A personal statement of 500-800 words describing the financial limitations you are experiencing and how you will utilize the award.
    • A cover sheet that includes: name, SID, GPA, major, and anticipated date of graduation.

    None/ Students should apply as needs arise

  • Jim and Paula Diederich Endowed Scholarship in Arts & Humanities

    The Diederich Endowed Scholarship provides support to undergraduate students majoring in the arts or humanities.

    The fund shall support students with merit- and need-based scholarships. This includes students who need assistance pursuing travel/education abroad, research opportunities, music lessons, or other educational opportunities.

    To be eligible, you must:
    • Have freshman, sophomore, or junior standing at the time of application.
    • Be a declared major in a CHASS arts or humanities academic program.
    • Have a minimum UCR grade point average of 3.0 or
      • if an applicant’s GPA is less than 3.0, he/she/they must include a 250-word supplemental statement addressing how this scholarship will help him/her/them attain certain educational goals and why he/she/they should be considered a competitive applicant for the scholarship
    To apply, send the following to
    • A narrative or essay of 500-750 words telling the story you are living at UCR. Your essay should integrate personal experience with academic development. 
    • 250-word supplemental statement (if applicable).
    • A cover sheet that includes: name, SID, GPA, major, and anticipated date of graduation.

    For disbursement during the 2024-2025 academic year: April 28th, 2024.

    Note: Award decisions are announced during the Spring quarter for disbursement in the following academic year.

  • Judith Stolpa Neveau International Studies Endowed Scholarship

    This fund provides support for undergraduate students with financial needs studying in humanities major programs who are pursuing international educational experiences, including UC-sponsored education abroad and similar programs.

    Individual award amounts will be determined based on the length and complexity of the financial need.

    To be eligible, you must:
    • Be an undergraduate student with a financial need pursuing an international educational experience.
    • Be a declared major in a CHASS humanities discipline.
    • Be enrolled in a program that will conclude by June 30 of your senior year.
    Please apply for this award on Scholarship Universe:
    • A single-page plan describing your international study plans.
    • A completed application.
    • A cover sheet that includes: name, SID, GPA, major, and anticipated date of graduation.

    For travel in Winter 2025 and Spring 2025

    Priority Review: TBD

    For travel in Summer 2025 and Fall 2025

    Priority Review: April 15th, 2025

    If you receive the award before you travel, you must demonstrate that you are:

    • Registered for a UC Education Abroad or similar opportunities abroad program.
  • Lisa and Carlos Martinez Endowed Scholarship in the Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences

    Lisa and Carlos Martinez are proud UCR alumni and have established this scholarship as a way to pay it forward and positively impact future generations of CHASS students.

    Students will be selected based on financial needs and prioritized by those that meet most of all requirements and preferences outlined below. Only one scholarship will be awarded each year, and this year’s scholarship is $1,000.

    To be eligible, you must:
    • Have freshman, sophomore, or junior standing in CHASS at the time of application;
    • Be a member of any Asian-American or Hispanic/Latin-American student organization on the UCR campus.

    Preference will be given to those students who also identify with some or all of the following:

    • First-generation college students;
    • Students from Southern California;
    • Graduates of Woodrow Wilson High School in Los Angeles Unified School District.
    To apply, send the following to
    • A narrative or essay of 500-750 words telling the story you are living at UCR. Your essay should integrate personal experience with academic development. 
    • Your responses to the following supplemental questions:
      • Are you a member of an Asian-American or Hispanic/Latin-American student organization at UCR? Please specify.
      • Are you a first-generation college student?
      • Are you from Southern California?
      • Did you graduate from Woodrow Wilson High School in LAUSD?
    • A cover sheet that includes: name, SID, GPA, major, and anticipated date of graduation.

    For disbursement during the 2024-2025 academic year: April 28th, 2024.

    NOTE: Award decisions are announced during the Spring quarter for disbursement in the following academic year.

  • Robert A. Bassine Endowed Scholarship for the Humanities and Social Sciences

    The Bassine Endowed Scholarship provides support to undergraduate students majoring in the humanities or social sciences.

    The fund shall support students with merit- and need-based scholarships. This includes students who need assistance pursuing research or other educational opportunities. Two scholarships will be awarded each year, and this year’s scholarship is $1,500.

    To be eligible, you must:
    • Have freshman, sophomore, or junior standing at the time of application.
    • Be a declared major in a CHASS humanities or social sciences academic program.
    • Have a minimum UCR grade point average of 3.0 or
      • if an applicant’s GPA is less than 3.0, he/she/they must include a 250-word supplemental statement addressing how this scholarship will help him/her/them attain certain educational goals and why he/she/they should be considered a competitive applicant for the scholarship
    To apply, send the following to
    • A narrative or essay of 500-750 words telling the story you are living at UCR. Your essay should integrate personal experience with academic development.
    • 250-word supplemental statement (if applicable).
    • A cover sheet that includes: name, SID, GPA, major, and anticipated date of graduation.

    For disbursement during the 2024-2025 academic year: April 28th, 2024.

    Note: Award decisions are announced during the spring quarter for disbursement in the following academic year.

  • Warren R. Betts Memorial Fund Award (UCDC Opportunity)

    Named in honor of Warren R. Betts, the fund supports CHASS students participating in the UCDC program and has secured an internship with an arts or humanities connection. Including but not exclusive to organizations focused on the arts or humanities (i.e., government agencies and councils; museums, libraries, and archives; theatres and performing arts centers, community non-profits, etc.).

    David Betts (BA, Theatre ʼ90) — alumni, donor, and Board of Trustees member—established the Fund in honor of his father, Warren Betts, who supported his interest and passion to pursue theatre though he did not ultimately pursue a career in theatre arts. The award is intended to provide students with the opportunity to use the concepts and skills learned through the arts and humanities in a multitude of career paths, including those that may not have a direct arts or humanities focus. 

    The minimum award amount is $2,500.

    In addition to the award, the Fund will cover travel expenses between Southern California (or the awardee’s official home residence) and Washington, D.C. Travel will be arranged by CHASS.

    To be eligible, you must:
    • Be an undergraduate student and have a declared major in CHASS.
    • Be enrolled in the UCDC program that will conclude by June 30 of your senior year.
    • Have secured an internship with an arts or humanities connection.
    Please apply for this award on Scholarship Universe.

    Rolling/Quarterly basis

Scholarships for Transfer Students

Scholarships for Undergraduate and Graduate Students

See fellowships, scholarships, and grants for graduate students

  • Stephen E. Cullenberg Endowed Scholarship in the Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences

    Named in honor of former CHASS Dean and Professor of Economics, Dr. Stephen E. Cullenberg, this scholarship provides student support to undergraduate or graduate students in the Humanities, Arts, or Social Sciences.

    Stephen Cullenberg was a true intellectual and loved to engage in political and philosophical debate. In 1988 Steve was appointed an assistant professor of Economics at UCR. He rose to be chair of the Economics Department and for a few years also served simultaneously as chair of the Department of Physical Education, rarely missing a game of the UCR women’s basketball team. Steve was passionate and committed to working to widen the boundaries of brave speech and thinking.  Dr. Cullenberg passed away in February 2021. 

    The minimum award amount is $1,500.

    To be eligible, you must:
    • Student must be majoring or pursuing an advanced degree in a discipline offered by CHASS.
    Preference will be given to students who: 
    • Are first-generation college students 
    • Demonstrate financial need 
    To apply, send the following to
    • A narrative or essay of 500-750 words telling the story you are living at UCR. Your essay should integrate personal experience, your unique voice, and academic development. 
    • A cover sheet that includes: name, SID, GPA, major, and anticipated date of graduation.

    For disbursement during the 2024-2025 academic year: April 28th, 2024.

    Note: Award decisions are announced during the spring quarter for disbursement in the following academic year.