College of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences

CHASS Strategic Staffing Task Force

New task force charged with identifying critical needs for CHASS staffing.


In consultation with Alex Najera, Associate Vice Chancellor for Human Resources, we announce a new task force specifically charged with identifying critical needs for staffing in our College. This initiative had its preview in late spring, in the 2023 State of the College. As the fall term begins, we turn to the important work of identifying staffing gaps, needs, and opportunities during the next five years.  

Members of the task force include:

CHASS Faculty Equity Advisors Susan Zeiger and Liz Davis, AVC Najera, and Wesley Leonard, Chair of the CHASS Executive Committee, have agreed to serve as external advisors. 

The committee will begin meeting in early October and will present its findings and recommendations to the Dean and CHASS Leadership Team in February 2024. We look forward to the committee recommendations as we move towards achieving more strategic staffing across the college.


Daryle Williams
Professor and Dean