College of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences

Latest Messages & Announcements

Staff Announcement

Announcement: Alesha Jaennette

Colleagues, As I expand my role in graduate studies, I am also building a team. Today, I’m delighted to announce that Ale sha Jaennette has accepted a position as the Graduate Student Services Lead for CHASS, effective July 15, 2024. In her new role, Alesha will work closely with me to establish long-term organizational goals...
Leadership Announcement

Announcement: CHASS Leadership

Colleagues, With great pleasure, I announce that Covadonga “Cova” Lamar Prieto, Professor in the Department of Hispanic Studies, has been appointed Associate Dean for Academic Affairs. Her five-year term began on July 1, 2024. Cova takes on a leadership position familiar to many colleges across the University of California that have been reimagined to meet...
Staff Announcement

Announcement: Eveleen Samayoa

Colleagues, It gives me great pleasure to announce a new addition to the CHASS Leadership team: Eveleen Samayoa ’06 has been appointed Assistant Dean of Development for the College of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences. Eveleen assumed the role on May 1. Eveleen’s appointment is the productive outcome of a nationwide recruitment led by the...
CHASS Sunset

Message from the Dean: CHASS Staff Success

Dear CHASS Staff and Faculty, Today, I am writing to share updates on my commitment to staff success. With the advice of the CHASS Strategic Staffing Task Force, I am pleased to announce immediate investments in a number of areas critical to our valued staff. Recruitments: CHASS Human Resources is actively recruiting several new positions...
UCR Campus Sunset

Faculty Computer Replacement Program

The CHASS Faculty Computer Replacement Program (FCRP) provides CHASS Senate faculty with the computer resources necessary for instruction, research, and secure university-supported systems access and communications. This vital program fell victim to budgetary constraints at the start of the pandemic and was returned only partially using Lottery funds to support undergraduate student success. Although the...
UCR Zoom Background 7

Letter to campus regarding Impact 23

Dear CHASS Faculty & Staff, As you know, the campus has implemented a new financial system called Impact23. This financial system replaces a system that had been in place since 1999. As with any new system implementation, some issues have been encountered with this transition. Some of the mitigation efforts we have put in place...
Humanities Building

2023-24 Chairs and Directors

Colleagues, The beginning of the instructional year is a moment of recognition and welcome for our new and continuing CHASS students, faculty, staff, and leaders. I take this opportunity to announce the appointments, reappointments, and extensions of several CHASS department chairs and directors. I also offer heartfelt thanks to our outgoing unit heads for their...
UCR Zoom Background 7

Graduate Admissions Announcement

Colleagues, As we enter into a new graduate admissions cycle with important changes to student support, it has come to our attention that there is a mistaken understanding around the University that graduate programs may consider off-cycle or ad-hoc admission or readmission to a degree program in CHASS. This is not the case. Any person...
Strategic Staffing Task Force Banner

CHASS Strategic Staffing Task Force

Colleagues, In consultation with Alex Najera, Associate Vice Chancellor for Human Resources, we announce a new task force specifically charged with identifying critical needs for staffing in our College. This initiative had its preview in late spring, in the 2023 State of the College. As the fall term begins, we turn to the important work...
Senate Recruitment Banner

Fall Budget Letter

Dear CHASS faculty, staff, students, and friends: As the new academic year kicks off, we update you on the financial state of the College. As one of the largest academic units across the entire UC, our research, instructional, and service missions are both ambitious and resource-intensive. Thankfully, the State remains committed to its sustained support...
Humanities Building

CHASS Faculty Announcement

Dear Colleagues, With great pleasure, I announce an active season for Senate recruitments in the College of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences. Read More
Humanities Building

CHASS Leadership Announcement

Colleagues, With great pleasure, I update you on new and continuing leadership appointments in the Office of the Dean. Read More
Humanities Building

CHASS Staff Announcement

Colleagues, It’s been an active time for recruiting, retaining, and developing our dedicated staff in the mighty College of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences. Read More
Humanities Building

Message from the Office of the Dean: Ezadeen Issak

Dear Colleagues, It is with deep sadness that I bring you news that student Ezadeen Issak, a Political Science major, has passed away. It is never easy to lose one of our own and the loss is felt deeply throughout our community. Our hearts go out to those who were closest to Ezadeen, especially to...
Humanities Building

Message from the Office of the Dean: Kyle Galaudet

Dear Colleagues, It is with deep sadness that I bring you news that ­­ Kyle Galaudet, a student in the Language and Literature/Japanese major has passed away. It is never easy to lose one of our own and the loss is felt deeply throughout our community. Our hearts go out to those who were closest...
Humanities Building

Letter from the Dean: Tracy Avery

CHASS Colleagues, Please join me in congratulating Tracy Avery on her appointment to a new role as Executive Assistant to the Dean in UCR’s School of Education. Tracy’s new role will include an opportunity to take on new responsibilities at UCR. Since July 2018, Tracy has directly served three CHASS Deans as an Executive Assistant...
Humanities Building

George E. Haggerty: Distinguished Professor Emeriti, English

Colleagues, We are saddened to report that George E. Haggerty, Distinguished Professor of English Emeritus and Distinguished Professor of the Graduate Division, passed away on June 30, 2023. In his 42 years at UCR, he shaped the hearts and minds of generations of students, and guided his colleagues across the campus on matters close to...
U.S. Supreme Court

Dean's statement regarding the SCOTUS Affirmative Action ruling

As Dean of the College, I stand in full support of today’s statements by UCR and the University of California regarding the Supreme Court’s affirmative action decision. Color and race matter in outcomes and we will continue to reduce the barriers to provide a world-class education for all. CHASS will continue to be a center...
State of the College 2023

CHASS State of the College 2023

We take this opportunity to celebrate our milestones and look to the future of CHASS. The State of the College presentation was in-person and live-streamed on Thursday, June 1, 2023, at 2 p.m., in INTS 1128. It is a moment of focus, but also a moment of reflection and celebration. Three terms framed a larger...
Student Speaker 2022

69th Commencement Student Speaker Application

Every year, CHASS invites students to speak to their fellow graduates. This year, the College invites students to speak on the following topic: We in CHASS say that “At Home in the World” is more than just a saying or a slogan. It really represents what it means to be a student of the humanities...