College of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences

It gives me great pleasure to announce a new addition to the CHASS Leadership team:
Eveleen Samayoa ’06 has been appointed Assistant Dean of Development for the College of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences. Eveleen assumed the role on May 1.
Eveleen’s appointment is the productive outcome of a nationwide recruitment led by the University Advancement in partnership with the CHASS Office of the Dean and other UCR community members.
I suspect that some of the longtimers may remember Eveleen from her graduate studies at UCR, including a term as a Gluck Fellow, and I am certain that many more of you know her from the dedicated work as a development officer at The Music Center in Los Angeles (3 years) and right here in CHASS, since 2017.
In her new leadership role, Eveleen will take primary responsibility for fundraising and engagement endeavors across the humanities, arts, and social sciences at UCR. In partnership with internal and external partners, she will advance the College's and University's mission of educational attainment and world-class research through the identification and stewardship of donors, alumni, and friends.
She builds upon an impressive track record: During her seven years with the College, Eveleen has raised nearly $9M in gifts, consistently surpassing her annual goals. Most recently, Eveleen helped CHASS triple our UCR Give Day goals, raising more than $20,000 for the CHASS Student Assistance and Opportunity Fund. I am especially grateful for such initiative, creativity, and accomplishments during various vacancies in the CHASS development team.
A first-generation graduate of the University of California, Eveleen earned her bachelor of arts in psychology and sociology at Irvine in 2001 and a master of arts in art history from Riverside in 2006. Calling Santa Monica home for several years, she maintains deep familial and affective ties in the Inland Empire. I have personally watched her take the Highlander pride to friends in Southern California, Sacramento, Washington, DC, and New York City. I look forward to working closely together as we secure philanthropic support for CHASS from right here in Riverside and across the United States.
Please join me in congratulating Eveleen on her new role and follow her on LinkedIn.
Daryle Williams
Professor and Dean
College of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences