College of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences
Content Marked with: CHASS News & Announcements

2024-25 CHASS Faculty Awards
CHASS Teaching Award The College of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences invites nominations for the 2024-2025 CHASS Teaching Award. The award is made annually to recognize outstanding achievement in teaching by a faculty member of the College. Nominees must be Senate or Unit 18 instructional faculty (Academic Student Employees are not eligible) whose teaching is...

CHASS: State of the College 2024
We take this opportunity to celebrate our milestones and look to the future of CHASS. The 2024 State of the College was in person and recorded on Wednesday, October 23, at The Barn. The presentation featured live music by The Octave Collectors, Shannon Brady’s award-winning 2024 Grad Slam presentation, and words by CHASS Dean Daryle...

CHASS Staff Announcement
Colleagues, It’s been an active time for recruiting, retaining, and developing our dedicated staff in the mighty College of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences. Take a look below! Recruitments In the last 12 months, CHASS has successfully completed 47 staff recruitments across more than 19 academic and administrative units. Please welcome to the College new...

CHASS Faculty Announcement
Dear Colleagues, With great pleasure, we commemorate another active season for Senate recruitments in the College of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences. Please join me on Wednesday, October 2, from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m., in INTS 1109 at the CHASS Fall Welcome to help celebrate all of our staff and faculty hires. Open to all...

Announcement: CHASS Leadership
Colleagues, With great pleasure, I announce that Covadonga “Cova” Lamar Prieto, Professor in the Department of Hispanic Studies, has been appointed Associate Dean for Academic Affairs. Her five-year term began on July 1, 2024. Cova takes on a leadership position familiar to many colleges across the University of California that have been reimagined to meet...

Announcement: Eveleen Samayoa
Colleagues, It gives me great pleasure to announce a new addition to the CHASS Leadership team: Eveleen Samayoa ’06 has been appointed Assistant Dean of Development for the College of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences. Eveleen assumed the role on May 1. Eveleen’s appointment is the productive outcome of a nationwide recruitment led by the...

2023-24 CHASS Faculty Awards
CHASS Teaching Award The College of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences invites nominations for the 2023-24 CHASS Teaching Award. The award is made annually to recognize outstanding achievement in teaching by a faculty member of the College. Nominees should be senior faculty members whose teaching is of such quality that it merits recognition and award...

CHASS: State of the College 2023
We take this opportunity to celebrate our milestones and look to the future of CHASS. The State of the College presentation was in-person and live-streamed on Thursday, June 1, 2023, at 2 p.m., in INTS 1128. It is a moment of focus, but also a moment of reflection and celebration. Three terms framed a larger...

2022-23 CHASS Faculty Awards
CHASS Teaching Award The College of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences invites nominations for the 2022-23 CHASS Teaching Award. The award is made annually to recognize outstanding achievement in teaching by a faculty member of the College. Nominees should be senior faculty members whose teaching is of such quality that it merits recognition and award...

69th Commencement Student Speaker Application
Every year, CHASS invites students to speak to their fellow graduates. This year, the College invites students to speak on the following topic: We in CHASS say that “At Home in the World” is more than just a saying or a slogan. It really represents what it means to be a student of the humanities...