College of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences

CHASS Teaching Award
The College of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences invites nominations for the 2024-2025 CHASS Teaching Award. The award is made annually to recognize outstanding achievement in teaching by a faculty member of the College.
Nominees must be Senate or Unit 18 instructional faculty (Academic Student Employees are not eligible) whose teaching is of such quality that it merits recognition and award. We are looking for an exceptional teacher who thoroughly stimulates and engages students in the classroom and contributes to the growth of teaching excellence in the College and across UCR.
Deadline for Nomination Packets: April 21, 2025
Faculty may self-nominate and/or be nominated by individual faculty, or by their department or program. Nominations must include the following:
- A nomination letter, which could be from the Department or Program Chair, another UCR faculty member, or authored by the nominee themselves. Letters should highlight the nominee’s pedagogical approach and contextualize the forms of evidence accompanying the nomination packet.
- At least two different forms of evidence that demonstrate teaching excellence. These include but are not limited to: class activities (with pedagogical explanations), letters or unsolicited emails of support from an undergraduate or graduate student(s), faculty peer observation reports, syllabi, representative student evaluations of teaching from two or more classes, publications on teaching and learning, and a self-statement outlining the nominee’s approaches to teaching and effectiveness, knowledge production, and/or ability to create accessible learning environments.
Nominations will be evaluated based on overall contributions to teaching and learning. Note that student evaluations of teaching should not be heavily relied upon in the nomination; rather, the award committee will use student evaluations of teaching as secondary or complementary to the main forms of evidence and the nomination letter.
All nominees are expected to meet the commonly held standards of ethics and conduct articulated in UCR’s Faculty Code of Conduct (e.g., concerning harassment, discrimination, and sexual misconduct) and Principles of Community (e.g., embracing diversity, taking responsibility, remaining accountable). Nominees who fail to adhere to these standards will be ineligible for the award. Previous awardees who fail to adhere to these standards may have their awards revoked. Please inform the CHASS Executive Committee if you have any concerns regarding the nominee satisfying this expectation.
All documents should be collated into a single PDF file. Please send the CHASS Teaching Award nomination packet PDF to Gabrielle Brewer via email:
Nominees must teach in CHASS and be current Senate or Unit 18 faculty. Previous awardees and Academic Student Employees [ASE’s] are not eligible.
Nominations can be carried over for only one year but have to be re-submitted.
Teaching Award Committee
The CHASS Teaching Award Committee will consist of no less than three (3) members, at least two of whom are members of the CHASS Executive Committee.
The winner of the award will be recognized during the CHASS Fall reception.
CHASS Faculty Award for Community Engagement
The College of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences invites nominations for the 2024-2025 CHASS Faculty Award for Community Engagement. The award recognizes faculty members who make outstanding efforts to reach beyond the campus and contribute in meaningful ways to the greater social good. The award also recognizes faculty who work to bring community and university together in meaningful ways. Faculty may be nominated for outstanding individual instances of community engagement, or for an outstanding record of sustained activities. Community engagement may take place at the local, regional, national, or global levels, but must include a significant interface with or service to non-university publics (this is not an award for university service). Such engagement may involve significant visibility, but it may also take the form of behind-the-scenes work.
Nominees should be CHASS Senate faculty at any rank whose community engagement is of a quality and level of commitment that merits recognition. We are looking for individuals whose investment in non-university publics is distinct and meaningful, exemplifying the ideal of faculty as scholars, teachers, and active citizens.
Deadline for Nomination Packets: April 21, 2025
A faculty member may be nominated by individual students and faculty, or by their own department or program. Self-nominations are also welcome. Nominations should include the following:
- A letter of nomination explaining the nominee’s qualifications, as well as the nominator’s name and contact information.
- Two or more individual letters of support, with at least one from faculty and one from community members, programs, and/or institutions. Letters should discuss the nominee’s contributions and how they are accountable to the communities they serve.
- Supporting materials that document the nominee’s outstanding community engagement, accompanied by an explanation of how the nominee demonstrates excellence in this engagement. Any questions about what constitutes supporting materials may be directed to Gabrielle Brewer via email:
All nominees are expected to meet the commonly held standards of ethics and conduct articulated in UCR’s Faculty Code of Conduct (e.g., concerning harassment, discrimination, and sexual misconduct) and Principles of Community (e.g., embracing diversity, taking responsibility, remaining accountable). Nominees who fail to adhere to these standards will be ineligible for the award. Previous awardees who fail to adhere to these standards may have their awards revoked. Please inform the CHASS Executive Committee if you have any concerns regarding the nominee satisfying this expectation.
All documents should be collated into a single PDF file. Please send the CHASS Faculty Award for Community Engagement nomination packet PDF to Gabrielle Brewer via email:
Nominations may be made for faculty at any rank and in any department in CHASS. Previous awardees are not eligible.
Nominations can be carried over for only one year but have to be re-submitted.
CHASS Faculty Award for Community Engagement Committee
The CHASS Faculty Award for Community Engagement Committee will consist of no less than three (3) members, at least two of whom are members of the CHASS Executive Committee.
The winner of the award will be recognized during the CHASS Fall reception.
CHASS Faculty Excellence in Research and/or Creative Activities Award
The College of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences invites nominations for 2024-2025 CHASS Faculty Excellence in Research and/or Creative Activities Award. This honor has been created to reward outstanding research and creative contributions of CHASS faculty. The CHASS Faculty Excellence in Research and/or Creative Activities awardee will be invited to give a college-wide lecture.
Nominees should be CHASS Senate faculty at any rank whose overall contributions to research and/or creative activities are outstanding and of a quality that merits recognition. We are looking for individuals whose contributions are significant and innovative.
Deadline for Nomination Packets: April 21, 2025
Faculty may self-nominate and/or be nominated by individual faculty, or by their department or program. Nominations must include a cover letter and a current curriculum vitae. The cover letter consists of: (a) the name and department or program affiliation(s) of the nominee, and (b) why this candidate should be considered for the CHASS Faculty Excellence in Research and/or Creative Activities award. Nomination letters must contextualize the nominee’s work and impact within their field(s). The CV should include the following:
- Major research and creative activities
- Extramural grants for research and creative activities
- Fellowships, awards, honors, and marks of academic distinction
- Other evidence of excellence and visibility in the nominee’s field(s), including but not limited to presentations, editorships, performances, exhibitions, and screenings
Nominations will be evaluated based on overall contributions to their field(s), with a focus on the significance and innovations of their body of research and/or creative activities. While more “standard” metrics such as journal impact factors, citation counts, and the like may be referenced, nominators should emphasize the quality and contributions of the content of the nominee’s work and its interventions.
All nominees are expected to meet the commonly held standards of ethics and conduct articulated in UCR’s Faculty Code of Conduct (e.g., concerning harassment, discrimination, and sexual misconduct) and Principles of Community (e.g., embracing diversity, taking responsibility, remaining accountable). Nominees who fail to adhere to these standards will be ineligible for the award. Previous awardees who fail to adhere to these standards may have their awards revoked. Please inform the CHASS Executive Committee if you have any concerns regarding the nominee satisfying this expectation.
All documents should be collated into a single PDF file. Please send the CHASS Faculty Excellence in Research and/or Creative Activities nomination packet PDF to Gabrielle Brewer via email:
Nominations may be made for faculty at any rank and in any department in CHASS.
Previous awardees are not eligible.
Nominations can be carried over for only one year but have to be re-submitted.
CHASS Faculty Excellence in Research and/or Creative Activities Committee
The CHASS Faculty Excellence in Research and/or Creative Activities Committee will consist of no less than three (3) members, at least two of whom are members of the CHASS Executive Committee.
The winner of the award will be recognized during the CHASS Fall reception.