College of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences

The CHASS Faculty Computer Replacement Program (FCRP) provides CHASS Senate faculty with the computer resources necessary for instruction, research, and secure university-supported systems access and communications. This vital program fell victim to budgetary constraints at the start of the pandemic and was returned only partially using Lottery funds to support undergraduate student success.
Although the College's financial position remains highly sensitive to the ups and downs in undergraduate enrollments, and the contractual obligations of UAW contracts add additional pressures on cash reserves, we are pleased to announce the FCRP's complete reinstatement, retroactively effective July 1, 2023.
FCRP implementation will be as follows:
- CHASS IT will develop and distribute a four-year eligibility list each fall quarter.
- CHASS IT will contact Senate faculty members eligible for a new desktop or laptop for preferred specifications. If a faculty member does not opt for a replacement, their eligibility will roll forward to the following year.
- CHASS IT will generate a quote based on preferred specs for the Dean's Office transactor to issue a purchase order using the department's COA. Flex Field 1 will designate the Faculty PC Program to track the order, and Flex Field 2 will specify the faculty member's name in Oracle. CHASS IT will keep a record of each PC replacement, including the computer series number and model.
- Computer expenses will be charged to the unit's COA and reimbursed up to the maximum allowable amount of $2,000 per faculty. Reimbursements will be made quarterly based on the COA information in Oracle. The maximum amount can include hardware and software costs directly related to computer replacement. The department will fund anything over the maximum allowable amount.
- CHASS IT will configure the equipment to meet university licensing and cybersecurity standards and deliver computers to faculty.
- If the replaced equipment can be reconditioned to minimum university standards, CHASS IT will refurbish and return it to the unit to repurpose it for lecturers or graduate student employees. Any unusable units will be sent to excess equipment management.
Over FY24-27, the average annual renewal rate for the FCRP is 75 workstations (desktops or laptops). To clear away the backlog, the eligibility list for FY24 is more extensive at 99. These figures are exclusive to new workstations purchased for new hires.
The Office of the Dean funds the Faculty Computer Replacement Program. Individual units and faculty, as well as PIs on sponsored research projects, may locally fund supplemental equipment for university employees who fall outside eligibility, provided that all equipment used for university business meets minimum requirements for systems access and cybersecurity.
Please direct your questions to CIO James Lin,
Daryle Williams
Professor of History and Dean College of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences James Lin Chief Information Officer College of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences