College of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences

The College of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences at UCR stands for inclusion and social justice and intensely condemns the killing of Black people targeted specifically because of their race. CHASS stands in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement for peace, equality, and justice. We stand in solidarity with Black, Indigenous, Latinx, Asian American and other students, staff and faculty of color. The memory of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, Trayvon Martin, and in our own Riverside community, Tyisha Miller — the list is far too long and ever growing — will forever remind us of the systemic racism and systematic violence that historically has granted white supremacists the power to kill while denying Blacks and other people of color the right to live.
As an educational institution that promotes the study of race, ethnicity, gender and sexuality while condemning violence and racism, CHASS stands in solidarity with all who fight to make this world free of social injustice and inequality. During this time of a pandemic, which is disproportionately devastating communities of color, this commitment has never been more important.
We call on the entire CHASS community to support our students in recognizing the stress, loss, and rage brought about by systemic racism. In solidarity with our students in this moment of pain and stress, CHASS has implemented exceptions to support our students where: 1) the college will not dismiss students in Spring 2020; 2) the college will continue approving late petition to withdraw from classes taken in the Spring or Summer 2020; and 3) retroactively, we will continue to approve petitions requesting change of letter grade to S/NC for Spring and Summer 2020. More broadly the College will continue its commitment to support Black Studies at UCR and promote a university environment where Black students, faculty, and staff are recognized, valued, and feel safe. In solidarity, we invite you to view UCR Professor Rickerby Hinds’s film My Name is Myeisha, a film presentation of his play Dreamscape, inspired by the killing of a young African American woman named Tyisha Miller who was shot to death by Riverside police on December 28, 1998. CHASS and UCR are privileged to have joined Professor Hinds in supporting him realize his vision for producing the film.
When the Black community feels recognized, valued, and safe, we will have a community committed to social justice for all.
The CHASS Dean’s Office