College of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences

UCR’s Summer Sessions helps students get ahead

With more than 650 courses, financial aid, and housing services, students can catch up and reach their graduation goals
By Alejandra Prado, Student Writer/Marketing and Communications |

Summer Sessions have arrived at UC Riverside for students to begin mapping out their plans to get ahead, catch up and gain more educational opportunities.

Summers Sessions consist of two core sessions that run back-to-back for 5 weeks, Session A (June 26 - July 29) and Session B (July 26 - September 2). Both sessions offer a wide range of courses from various colleges. This year, Summer Sessions will offer 258 CHASS courses which include Anthropology, Creative Writing, English, History, and Psychology.

“Summer Sessions offers over 650 regular UCR courses in multiple, abbreviated summer sessions, giving students the opportunity to expedite time to graduation, take hard-to-get classes, improve their GPA, get back on the academic track, perform research with faculty, and seek professional development or enrichment courses,” said Adam Ryen Daniels, an Enrollment Marketing Specialist in UCR’s University Relations. 

Enrollment for Summer Sessions began on April 3. Students can now register, with a maximum of 15 units, through R’Web and view available courses on the Schedule of Classes. Students can learn more about session information and important dates and deadlines on the Summer Sessions page.

“Students should take part in Summer Sessions to stay on track to graduate,” said Ryan Lipinski, Director of CHASS Majors Advising. “With the number of summer classes being offered growing every year, students have a plethora of options to choose from.”

Unlike enrollment, costs and fees of Summer Sessions work differently than a normal quarter at UCR. Summer Session enrollment costs are based on the total amount of units taken and mandatory Referendum Fees are based on the length of the session. UCR students are also eligible for Financial Aid and summer grants to cover their Summer Session fees if taking at least 6 units or more. 

Active UCR students can take advantage of the 8-unit fee cap designed for students to pay no more than for 8 units during Summer Sessions. Students who take more than 8 units are only charged unit fees for the first 8. More information on cost and financial aid is available online.

“This makes summer an incredible savings over the regular quarter’s fixed fee structure,” Daniels said. “Save time and money!”

Outside of financial aid, UCR also offers housing services for Summer Sessions. 

Beginning May 16, continuing, incoming, and transfer UCR students are eligible to apply for housing. To learn more about summer housing, eligibility, and rates, students can refer to the housing information on the Summer Sessions website and the UCR Housing Services website.

Similar to a regular quarter, campus services such as advising and tutoring are available during the summer as well. More information regarding tutoring services during the summer will be available through the Academic Resource Center.

“Academic advisors work throughout the summer and are here to support students,” Lipinski said. “Most campus partners provide services in the summer as well, albeit with a slightly reduced offering.”

Summer Sessions students also receive campus life perks. During Summer Sessions, students have access to the Student Recreation Center (SRC) and can attend concerts and events hosted by the Associated Students Program Board (ASPB).

“Summer participation has numerous benefits,” Daniels said. “It helps time to degree, allows students to focus on challenging classes, reduces regular quarter unit load without impacting degree advancement, makes study abroad and internships easier, and provides access to impacted courses, to name just a few.”

Wondering if you should participate in Summer Sessions? View this testimonial video from past Summer Sessions students who speak on their experience.

To learn more about summer sessions, please visit or find them @ucrsummersesssions on Instagram.

Summer Sessions 2023