College of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences

Message from the Dean: Dr. William Dunlop

The Passing of Dr. William Dunlop

To our CHASS community,

We are deeply saddened by the recent death of William Dunlop, an associate professor of social/personality psychology in UC Riverside’s Department of Psychology.

Dr. Dunlop, who directed the Personality and Identity Lab (PAIL), explored the ways in which individuals make sense of themselves and their lives. He taught both undergraduate and graduate courses at UCR including Personality Assessment, Self and Identity, and The Psychology of Love Lives.

Dr. Dunlop’s work also included an appointment as an adjunct professor in the Department of Psychology at Aarhus University in Denmark. His most recent research included an article published in April 2021 focused on “Becoming the Storyteller: Mapping Narrative Comprehension throughout Childhood Nonverbally.”

The CHASS Office of the Dean sends our deepest condolences to Dr. Dunlop’s family, friends, colleagues, students, and everyone affected by this unexpected loss. I am personally saddened to not have had the opportunity to know Dr. Dunlop and his important research and mentoring in PAIL.

If this event personally affected you, and you find yourself in need of comfort and support, please know that UC Riverside offers a vast array of resources for grief counseling, wellbeing, and mental health services.

For students, Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) can be reached at 951-827-5531, 24 hours a day, or by visiting Student Affairs Case Managers can also offer support and guidance at or 951-827-5000. For additional questions about student resources, please contact

Graduate students can also access services through LiveHealth for both medical and behavioral health telemedicine appointments. If any graduate student directly impacted by this loss requires financial assistance to meet copay requirements, please make direct outreach to me and I will look into emergency aid.

For faculty and staff, resources for counseling services are available through the Faculty and Staff Assistance Program or at 866-615-3047.

Most sincerely,

— Daryle Williams
Dean, College of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences